Saltwater Sunrise and Salt on the Rim have their own personalities. They may share similar amenities, but they also have some distinct differences. Both homes are dog friendly, include sheets and bedmaking upon arrival bath linens and are professionally cleaned. Please review the FAQ’s below for additional information.
What are the check-in times?*
- Saltwater Sunrise is a Saturday to Saturday Rental with a 4:00pm check-in time Saturday
- Salt on the Rim is a Friday to Friday Rental with a 4:00pm check-in time Friday
*Summer Weeks.
What are the check-out times?*
- Saltwater Sunrise Check-out is 10:00am Saturday
- Salt on the Rim Check-out is 10:00am Friday
*Summer Weeks
Can I bring my dog?
- “Saltwater Sunrise” and “Salt on the Rim” are dog friendly homes. No other pets accepted. Dogs must be house trained.
What is the pet fee?
- NONE (up to 2 house trained dogs)
Do you offer Linens (sheets/towels)?
- Bed and Bath Linens but not beach/pool towels
- Sheets with Beds Made before arrival are provided.
Do you make the beds?
- Yes!
Do you have chairs?
- Saltwater Sunrise has beach chairs and deck chairs
- Salt on the Rim has beach chairs, a beach cart and beach supplies for your convenience in addition to Pool Chairs and Loungers.
How many guests can stay the night?
- Saltwater Sunrise sleeps a maximum of 6 (six) guests.
- Salt on the Rim maximum guest limit is 8 (eight) Only current guests of Salt on the Rim are allowed to use the pool and/or hot tub.
How accurate are the pictures?
- Pictures are updated annually. The most current pictures can be found on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
- We make frequent visits to the properties for a plethora of inspections, updates and maintenance.
- The properties are videographed by a private party prior to your stay to document the condition and contents of the property.
Is there a grill?
- Saltwater Sunrise has a charcoal grill. (charcoal not provided)
- Salt on the Rim has a gas grill. (propane is not guaranteed)
What is included?
- A new roll of Toilet Paper in Each Bathroom
- A new roll of Paper Towels in the kitchen
- Extra Trash Bags
- Dish Detergent
- Dishwasher Detergent Pods
- Hand Soap in dispensers at each sink
- Laundry Detergent Pods or Laundry Liquid Soap
- Clean (New) Kitchen Sponge
- Starter bar of Buff City bar soap.
- Pillows
- Quilts
- Blankets
- Vacuum
- Broom and Dustpan
- Outdoor Seating
- Well Equipped Kitchen (appliances, bakeware, cookware, dishware)
- Countertop cleaner
- Sheets and bed making
Are dogs allowed on the beach?
- Kitty Hawk is a dog friendly beach. Please observe the leash laws in place during your stay.
What kind of coffee maker do you have?
- Saltwater Sunrise has a drip and K-cup combo coffee maker.
- Salt on the Rim has a drip and K-cup combo coffee maker
Do you have a pool or hot tub?
- Saltwater Sunrise does not have a pool or hot tub
- Salt on the Rim has a Pool and a Hot Tub
Where can I park?
- Saltwater Sunrise guests must park in the driveway. There is space for a maximum of 3 vehicles.
- Salt on the Rim guests may park in the driveway and along Lindbergh Ave, making sure all 4 tires are off the road. There is also parking behind the house on Ride Lane.
- There is no parking on the street at Saltwater Sunrise and no blocking the sidewalk and no parking in the back yard adjacent to the pool at Salt on the Rim.
How far are restaurants?
- Kitty Hawk has numerous restaurants and eateries very close by. Some are walking distance but please use caution on Beach Road.
How far is the grocery store?
- There is a Wal-mart, Food Lion and Harris-Teeter within 2 miles of both homes.
How far is a drug store?
There is a Walgreens less than a mile of both homes and a CVS within 2 miles.
Is there a nearby hospital?
- The Outer Banks Hospital is within 11 (eleven) miles of both homes.
Is there a veterinary hospital?
The nearest animal hospital is within 2 (two) miles of both homes.
What is there to do?
- The Outer Banks has plenty to offer all year long. Please visit the Outer Banks Tourism Guide to see a list of nearby attractions.
- Shopping, fishing, eating, relaxing, playing games, riding bikes, surfing, sea shell collecting, people watching, storm watching, sunrise and sunset admiring, dune climbing, kite flying are just a handful of free activities.
Is there a key?
- Both homes use a keyless entry
- You will be provided a code to use to access the homes prior to your stay.
Is there internet?
- Yes!
Is there a dishwasher?
- Yes!
- Both homes have a dishwasher.
- Dishwasher pods and dish soap are provided.
Is there a garbage disposal?
- No. Neither home has a garbage disposal
Is there a washer and dryer?
- Yes!
- Both homes have full size washer and dryers.
- Saltwater Sunrise is a stackable unit inside the home.
- Salt on the Rim are separate units located under the home. You will receive a separate code to access the Utility Room.
Are there bathtubs?
- Saltwater Sunrise does not have a bathtub (showers only)
- Salt on the Rim does have a bathtub.
Do you have central air conditioning and heat?
- Yes!
- Both homes have central air and heat.
- Both homes have ceiling fans.
- Both homes have portable fans.
- Please review the Rental Guide for AC/Heat care and use.
Do you use cameras?
- No!
- The properties have video surveillance only when guests are not present (non rental season).
- Any visible cameras that may not have been removed from the property prior to your stay have been fully disabled and disconnected and are not in use during guest stays.
Who do I call if there are any problems?
- Please dial 911 in the event of fire or medical emergency. The property address is located prominently in the Rental Guide. There are fire extinguishers under the kitchen sink in both homes and in the Utility Room at Salt on the Rim
- Please call, text or email us for any other concerns. We respond to all inquires quickly.
What are your restaurant recommendations?
- You really can’t go wrong with any of the local restaurants. There are several nearby with menus posted online. Anything from seafood to steak to mexican fare. There is something for everyone. Explore and Enjoy!